Let’s be honest, most educators are struggling with teaching and surviving online learning and COVID right now; there is no denying that. I view myself as a tech-savvy educator that mastered blended learning prior to the pandemic, but at the same time, I am struggling to breathe and focus during this time period. The news, social media, and educator social circles all have the same thing to say: teachers are struggling. Despite this, there have been benefits of this unique time and want to highlight all of the amazing things that have come out of COVID in education.
STEM at Home
Since school has gone virtual, education is at home, which means STEM is also at home. I have seen so many amazing educators posting amazing at-home STEM activities that can be done at home as a family (much like the items posted on STEM Universe). Balancing both the role of a parent as well as an educator has been tough, but also so rewarding. Things that my daughter would normally be doing at school, she is now doing at home (AND we are able to do them together)! Not only has it been fun to do these activities at home as a family, but they have led to many amazing discoveries and discussions about what STEM is and even future careers in STEM. While I know that it has been a struggle for parents trying to balance everything, this has been a bonding experience at the same time for many families.
So many families are doing STEM makerspace challenges together, and parents who never thought of science as fun are now finding science and STEM as exciting. Showing a love in something like STEM can encourage children to become interested in that field and grow a passion for it.
More of an Online Presence
Teachers are online more than ever. While that transition has been hard, education will be stronger down the road because of it. There is a big focus on learning management systems (LMS) and because of this focus, LMS’s are focusing on ways they can improve and be more teacher and student friendly. Using an LMS, even once we move past the pandemic, will allow students who are more technologically savvy or need specialized instruction to thrive. Each student has different needs to help them succeed and using an LMS and blended learning allows these needs to be met in a way that isn’t stressful for the teacher, resulting in an easier way to reach all students.
With the way blended learning is growing, our students who are literally born into technology, will be able to understand and grow from something they understand.
A Love for Educators
The biggest thing to come out of the pandemic (in my opinion) is the love for educators. So many educators are going above and beyond for students and doing everything they possibly can to make this scary time, less scary. I am grateful for all educators right now and everything they are doing for all kids.
What positive outcomes have you seen as a result of the pandemic? Share your responses in the comments below!
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